Meet All HSBP Requirements with SchooLinks

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Empowering Washington Students for Postsecondary Success
Empowering Washington Students for Postsecondary Success

This is what we do.

The High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) is a pivotal program in Washington aimed at fostering students' postsecondary success. At SchooLinks, we understand the unique requirements of the HSBP and have designed our platform to make HSBP activities an integrated part of student’s CCR journey.

Effortlessly Capture HSBP Activities & Electronic Signatures

Auto-generate students' HSBP as students complete activities.

Learn more

Washington Graduation Pathways Dashboard

An interactive dashboard pulls in activities and indicators in real-time so that district staff always know who is on track to graduate and who needs more help.

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Course Planning & Dual Credit Tracking

Students plan step by step and auto-calculate their graduation and subject requirement fulfillment.

Learn more

What our users say.

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What our users say.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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What our users say.

Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
Name and Title
View The Case Study
“If students are spending their own time on your platform, that’s pretty powerful testimony that it’s not just effective, it’s useful.”
Josh Cowart, Future Ready Counselor - Mead School District
View The Case Study
"Her face lit up when SchooLinks did their demo, it was clear, and she even said, 'I could see myself and my friends using this without adult supervision or requirements.' It made sense to her that she could find information that was valuable to her."
Scott Kerwien, Chief of Student Success - Spokane Public Schools
View The Case Study

See everything we have to offer.

Fast Setup. Robust Features. Outstanding Support.
Get in touch today to see a modern CCR platform that meets all your district needs, and then some.
Request a Demo

Effortlessly Capture HSBP Activities & Electronic Signatures

  • Auto-generate students' HSBP as students complete activities.
  • Reduce double entry and allow counselors to review plans as they change.
  • Organize all students' career interests, academic plans, goals, and more for improved postsecondary planning.

Washington Graduation Pathways Dashboard

  • An interactive dashboard pulls in activities and indicators in real-time so that district staff always know who is on track to graduate and who needs more help.
  • Ensure more students graduate according to WA state graduation standards.
  • Serves as early warning detection for intervention and proactively driving students to complete pathways according to WA graduation standards.

Course Planning & Dual Credit Tracking

  • Auto-generate students' HSBP as students complete activities.
  • Reduce double entry and allow counselors to review plans as they change.
  • Organize all students' career interests, academic plans, goals, and more for improved postsecondary planning.