Supporting Student Learning Standards for Career Readiness In New Jersey

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One platform to support students' career readiness across all grades
One platform to support students' career readiness across all grades

This is what we do.

In alignment with New Jersey's Career Awareness and Planning Standards, SchooLinks ensures that every activity and resource supports your students' growth and development. As you guide them through the platform's rich offerings, you can be confident that you're meeting the state's requirements and preparing your students for success. Our comprehensive college and career readiness platform positions itself as the tool to implement the New Jersey Career Awareness and Planning Standards across all grade levels.

Elementary School: Building a Strong Foundation

SchooLinks offers a user-friendly interface that enables elementary school educators to introduce students to the exciting world of college and career exploration.

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Middle School: Nurturing Exploration and Planning

SchooLinks provides educators with tools to guide students through deeper exploration and begin academic planning that will impact students' postsecondary journeys.

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High School: Bridging the Gap to College and Career

In high school, the focus shifts toward applied CCR planning. SchooLinks equips educators with the resources needed to help students confidently navigate this crucial phase.

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What our users say.

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What our users say.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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What our users say.

Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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Xello is just not as robust, and it doesn't offer the same quality of care that SchooLinks offers."
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See everything we have to offer.

Fast Setup. Robust Features. Outstanding Support.
Get in touch today to see a modern CCR platform that meets all your district needs, and then some.
Request a Demo

Elementary School: Building a Strong Foundation

  • Student Interest Assessments: Utilize interactive quizzes and assessments to uncover students' interests, sparking curiosity about future possibilities.
  • Goal Setting: Guided experience that helps elementary students write SMART goals.
  • Career Exploration: Foster enthusiasm for learning by incorporating interactive videos that introduce students to various careers in a fun and engaging way.

Middle School: Nurturing Exploration and Planning

  • Personality Assessments: Help students gain insights into their personalities and how they align with different career options.
  • Skills Development: Learning units are available to assist students in identifying and honing key skills required for future success.
  • Academic Planning: Collaboratively develop academic plans that map out course selections and extracurricular activities to support students' career aspirations.

High School: Bridging the Gap to College and Career

  • College Research and Selection: Enable students to research colleges and universities that align with their interests and goals while considering important factors like location, majors, and admissions requirements.
  • Application Support: Provide guidance on creating compelling college applications, crafting personal statements, navigating scholarship opportunities, and a digital recommendation letter process.
  • Work-Based Learning: Connect students with real-world experiences, internships, and job-shadowing opportunities to solidify their career interests.
  • Experience tracking: Cohesively track all requirements for volunteer service hours and participation through a digital portfolio accessible by potential employers.